
Client: A Law School’s Indigent Legal Services Clinic

The Challenge: Law-school based legal services clinics must balance the duties of representing clients, providing teaching /training opportunities, and managing advice clinics.  We were asked to consider how these aspects of the Clinic’s work should be balanced in strategic planning for the Clinic's future

Our Approach

We conducted individual interviews with each of the Clinic's attorneys and support staff, interviewed law school faculty, and developed and facilitated a two-day strategic planning retreat.

These activities focused on helping the Clinic identify and answer these key questions:

  • How can the Clinic provide the right balance of academic training and client services?
  • What should be the role of the Clinic in the community?
  • What are the Clinic’s legal service priorities?
  • How many students and advice clinics can the Clinic manage?
  • How can support staffing levels and organization be maximized?
  • How can the Clinic create the most effective working relationships possible?

The Results

  • A vision and mission statement for the Clinic’s educational and legal service goals.
  • Greater academic recognition for clinical work.
  • Clarity about the Clinic’s role in community outreach, organization building, and community needs assessment.
  • A plan for expanding legal services as new funds become available.
  • Improved support services.
  • Enhanced collaboration and trust among Clinic staff. 

Consultants: Kate Harrison

For the Facilitation Agenda, please click here.

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